Monday, July 25, 2011

♥Random Poems♥

These are just random poems I've come across while searching the Internet, I've found most or all apply to me.

I wish life had a map, so i could take a look every now and again just to make sure I'm going the right was so i don't get lost, cause guess what, I'm way beyond lost right now, i have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just wandering around, you have led me to unknown roads, where do i go from here?

I'm Afraid To that i wont ever love anybody else, only you, and that you don't even love me back...  Suddenly there's reality, Harsh painful reality, at that moment you realize how stupid and desperate you are, and then you intend to forget him, to do normal again, and you are really trying that, really, until dreams and hope tap on your shoulder... Again.

This is for everyone who is disappointed in love, for all those people who's hearts are broken in silence, Or Loud and clear, who are afraid to love. for everyone who thinks they are not good enough to love. For all the people who love someone who doesn't love them back. for the people who are secretly in love, for those who have never really loved somebody. For the ones who need somebody to love, this is for all whose love is fading away... Please never stop believing in love, Never Ever, love is bigger than we always expected it to be, we only see our little piece of the puzzle., but there's SO much more,. it has a lot of surprises in store, maybe not now, but someday, it will be alright, someday all the puzzle pieces will fall in to place. I PROMISE.

You know, i tried it, i really did, to look at other men, i try to look at them the way i look at you, but its so different. i look at them with you in my head, i compare everyone with you, nobody wins. its just not fair. they're not sweet enough, they;re not cute enough or not funny enough, or they are too tough, or too sad or stupid. there is always something wrong, but not with you, you are really perfect.
Ooh Wait, i see, love really is blind...

Yes, I love him. I love him more than anyone else in this world and there is nothing that I would like better than to hold on to him forever. But I know it’s not for the best. So no matter how much my heart is going to break, I’ve got to let him go so he can know just how much I love him. Maybe if I’m lucky, he’ll come back. But if not, I can make it through this...

Sometimes, when I get really lonely at night and I don’t know what to do, I wrap my arms around my teddy bear as tightly as I can, pretending that I’m really holding on to you. I do this because I miss you so much and it seems as if hugging my bear makes the pain go away. Every once in a while it feels the same as when I’m with you, except your arms don’t tighten around me. Okay, it isn’t the same, in fact, it kinda makes me feel even lonelier. It isn’t you in my arms, but I do it anyway. Because I don’t feel like giving up hope cause it brought me to you in the first place. And maybe one day, when I’ve kept my hope long enough, I won’t have to pretend you’re my teddy bear.

I’m sorry if you don’t wanna talk to me as much as I wanna talk to you. I’m sorry if I tell you about my pointless drama when you don’t care. I'm sorry I constantly want to be with you and see you. I’m sorry if I think about you too much and too often. I’m sorry if I say things that might piss you off. I'm sorry I constantly want to talk to you.  I’m sorry if I come off as clingy; but its just me missing you. ♥                                        

No girl is perfect. She cries, nags, demands, assumes and get jealous, but she also supports, understands, cheers, cares and loves. A girl will always be a girl and at the end of the day, she's certain of one thing: SHE LOVES HIS MAN ENOUGH THAT SHE'S WILLING TO GET HURT.

Those days.
Days when one bad thing leads to another. Escape to your room, hold back the tears, shut your door and collapse. you press yourself against the door and cry. cry to be held, cry to be helped. cry to be loved. but you're on your own in this fight, and as the darkness captures your soul, you feel like it will never stop. But then you remember, you can cry, you can break down, but you must fight.

People say sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you, that not true. Words can hurt you, they hurt me, things were said to me, that i still have not forgotten... 

Sorting Through My Feelings

Lately things have been hard on me the past month or so, not seeing the man i love, well it is our 5 month anniversary today, he doesn't do those things, but i do, so it hurts, i haven't seen him in over a month, I've made a promise to a lot of close friends that i wouldn't cut anymore, but i have broken that promise and i apologize for that, I've been going Through way too much for a teen, a mom, a woman, I'm constantly alone, feeling like nobody cares, i know some people do but nobody is ever around, and part of it is my fault, i build walls instead of Bridges, i don't try to, it just happens. i keep all my pain and heartbreak inside, don't talk to anybody, its scary, everyday i think to myself "Hannah you're nobody you're nothing you are just a fat ugly slut, you're a whore, u might as well go kill yourself nobody would care or even plan a funeral for you. you are a dumb high school drop out" that goes through my mind daily. my son deserves someone better as a mother, that's why I'm glad in the end of August my sister Heather and my Brother-in- law Mike will be taking him. so i can just ruin my life some more and Sam won't be hurt by me, i know that he knows I'm not happy, i try to put on a smile and not cry when I'm around him, its so hard cause I'm around him all the time. I wish i could be funnier prettier, more spontaneous. && That's not even half of what I'm feeling right now i don't even know how to put the rest in to words...

Friday, July 22, 2011


Well not much happened in the past 24 hours, didn't go to bed til 5am cried myself to sleep again. tried to sleep while Sam was was school (we call daycare school) but it didn't work again. when Sam came home we went over to Selina's house didn't get home til 9:30. then i made some french fries for him, now finally at midnight he is asleep, for now...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friends I've Met Along The Way.

Molly B(Sam's God Mother) - I've known molly for a good 3 years now, she is an amazing person, she puts everybody she cares about before herself, she has been through a lot but she hasn't given up, i love this woman to death!! :)

Amanda T. (My Best Friend)- We have been thru  a lot together we have known each other for about 2 years now, we both dated my baby daddy haha that's how we met, and we both dated another guy too. she help me A Lot through having Sam, she is more like a sister to me! I Love Her To Death!!!

Katelyn T. AKA Kitty(Another Bestie/Wifeyy) I Love This Girl, We Don't Fight, I May Not Agree With Her Taste In men but ill support her no matter what, and if anybody messes with her, ill whoop their ass!!! LOVE YOU KITTY!!! mew mew [[inside joke]]

Selina C. (Basically My Cousin And Bestie)  Well me and this girl have had some really awkward times haha yeah... lol but that's in the past now we are closer than ever. I LOVE YOU. 

Cody M. (like a Big Brother) - He Helped Me change into a wonderful mom and woman. we were really close at one point but we have brown apart but i still love him!!

Kira (A Wonderful Friend) We Have Had Good Times And Bad We Have Fought And Loved, But She Has Helped me grow and change into a wonderful mom and woman, for that ill love her til i die, we are not as close anymore but ill always love her.

Marcus & Aaron R. (Good Friends)  We have known each other for 5 years now, we have had good times and bad but we'll always be friends no matter what.

Meredith O. (Good Friend) We have never really fought, we were really close at one point but don't talk much anymore, we will always be there for each other. I Love Her.

Vivian W. (awesome friend)- she is my childhood Friend  but we both  moved away now she moved back and we are getting closer! I Love Her!!

(If You are Not Listed and we are friends, I'm sorry i still love you Sam if just being a butt head!)

Friends Come & Go But... True Best Friends Turn Into Sisters/Brothers And Last A Lifetime! <3
 My Friends Are Like Stars, They Are Always There. You Never Know When You're Going To See Them But You Always Know That They Are There..
 Friends Are Separated By Priorities, Distances, Differences, & Pride; No Matter What Comes Between Us, I'll Always Be The Friend You've Known From The Start.

My Beginning

I'm Hannah, I'm 16 almost 17, I'm a single teen mom of Samuel who will be 2 in Dec. My life hasn't been easy, actually far from, I've been beaten and raped a number of times I Was born is Madison WI on January 1st 1995 to a single mother (Shirley) who already had a a 5year old daughter (Heather) My father (Rick) Has been in and out of my life, he is an alcoholic, he has another daughter (Amanda) we don't talk much she is also a single mother to my nephew Chaynce he is 4. I've never met dads mother, i didn't meet his father (David)  until i was 12 and by that time he had re-married to my "step" grandma (Ellen) They live in Alabama.

Shirley (Mom)- We have hard times to say the least, but ill always love her, she keeps a roof over my and my sons head, we fight allot, there is yelling but we do out best to not do it around Sam, he gets scared.

Heather (Sister)- Heather is 5 yrs older than i am and is my moms "good child" we have never really been close or got along she got good grades in school, didn't date and just all around good. in 2010 she married the love of her life Michael, he is a wonderful man, and they moved out to Milwaukee WI and got a house, we get along allot better after i had Sam. In about a month Sam will be moving in with Heather and Mike and they will be temporary raising him until i finish school and get on my job and i am on my feet, for that i love them to death! :)

Amanda (Sister)- Amanda and I have the same father (Rick) he hasn't been around for her either. me and Amanda don't talk much but when we do we get along great, she is a wonderful person and is her mom Lisa. She had my adorable nephew Chayce 2008, i love that little boy with all my heart!!

Rick (Father)- DEAD BEAT.

Grandma Ellen & Grandpa Dave- I Didn't meet them until i was 12 or 13 so that was 4ish years ago, but they live down in Alabama so i rarely see them, but they recently came up to see the family and meet Sam, it was great, i love these 2 people with all my heart they love and accept me no matter what, they may not agree with all my choices but they love me.

Samuel Jeffery Earl-  Born on December 12 2009at 11:29pm. I love this kidd with all my heart, soul, mind and body. he is what keeps me going, Yes he does get on my nerves as any toddler would with any parent.

Glenn (Baby-Daddy) - Glenn and i met when i was 11 So A LONG time a ago he was my childhood sweetheart, i loved him until recently (like 8 months ago) i had found out he had been cheating on me and they were three ways. he use to beat me and call me names and even rape me. hes been in and out of jail since we met. now we barely talk, he doesn't help with Sam at all, he is supposed to be paying child support but hasn't paid a penny. and I'm  ferrous!!!!

Over All- Ive had a hard life but im stronger for all that ive gone through, i make mistakes im only human, im still growing, and making myself. So until next time, as Tigger would say Ta ta  For Now :)

Nobody Can Change Me, Break Me Or Make Me I So Who I Am So You Can Take Me As I Am Or Watch As I Go. Its Your Choice... Make It Wise